This may sound like it's something that is easy to do. And sometimes it is easy. Sometimes God asks me to do things i know I can do. Sometimes I do things and I don't know what I am doing. Sometimes I miss it. Sometimes I make it. Sometimes I have all the faith in the world and sometimes...most recently...I've felt that my faith in God is so small...butit's bigger than it ever has been.
Perhaps it needs to be made known that I love the Lord and I want to do His will. 2007 was a year full of trying to live a life worthy of the price Jesus payed. It's been about purity and righteousness and walking IT OUT. It's harder than it looks. Recently, I realized that I was lookin for a formula for Christianity. I was looking for some sort of...equation that would hopefully lead me to heaven. Boy was I wrong. So, I've been trying to seek God out more without checking of my morning list (Devos, prayer, worship) and doing things differently on occasion as to not fall back into the stagnant pattern of making God a checklist...because he isn't a checklist...He's a father. I can't just go through the motions and please Him and to be honest...When we just go through the motions...we get no treasure for ourselves. Whats the point in "seeking" God if we are not in it to find Him. So here I am. 6 months and 7 days from Graduation from High School. I thought I had it all planned out where I was going to go and what I was going to do...and perhaps I will still go to bible college...but God has asked me to embark on an adventure with Him to see some places, talk to some people and step OUT of the boat. I'm laying out my fleece.
This brings me to my next point. Talking to God. The other day I was driving to get somewhere...but I didn't need to be there for another hour and so when I took the wrong exit I was perplexed because I don't usually "accidentally" take wrong exits.
This exit lead me to McKay Park where I got out of my car and went and hopped to a rock in the river and stood and simply spoke to God. He took my steering wheel and turned it because thats how bad he wanted to hang out. There were no people. just me, Jesus and the ducks. I am so blessed that my God would create me, die for me carrying with Him my sin and shame, and then change up the plans to hang out with me as if He though I was that important...and He DOES think that. I dno't know who is reading this but take this into your heart. God cares so much for you. Don't forget it. Don't push it aside. Hold fast to His love. He'll take you places you've never dreamed of. He's taking me now and in 6 months...in 2008...after I graduate and when I am getting ready to go to where ever God wants me to be...I'll think about this road trip for sure...because "The road trip only begins when you decide to leave everything else behind." -Casey Parnell