Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Gods Will... :)

I'm a Senior in High School. What does this mean? Choices. The most common question I get asked is, "What are your plans?" Now. I don't live in a family that necessarily follows the Lord so for me to say "Whatever God tells me..." just simply isn't good enough for them. This makes it hard for me and for all of those others out there who are pressured to live up to the expectations of others in our families and such. The thing is, we feel that they won't understand. If I tell my non-immediate family what I plan on doing with my life they'll support me "no matter what" as long as it matches the criteria that they set up in their mind of what it takes to be "successful". I may not make millions of dollars a year. I may not win the lottery. I may not get married until I'm forty years old and if i'm not any of these things am I then not "important" or "successful"? Not to dis on people who rock those things. Way to go. :) I'm happy for you. The thing is I don't know God's will for my life exactly because I'm not Him. If He revealed it to me right now moment for moment, at what point would I be surprised by His goodness and love? If I didn't have trials to go through and decisions to make and leaps of faith to take what on earth would I do? Would I just drift through life? I think so. So. for all of you seniors out there...or anyone for that matter...who has to make a decision that could dramatically or not dramatically alter the course of your life...have faith. God is GOOD!!! He's got it all under control. If your big decision is "What coffee will I get at starbucks today?" I have the answer. Get in your car and go to backporch. Get a White Chocolate Mocha and start your day off good with nice people and the wonderful deliciousness of amazing fresh roasted coffee. I'm glad I could help. Now for all of you who have a decision to make that's bigger than a coffee issue...lets pray about it. If you have a prayer request...just find a friend and ask them to pray for you. I promise you, if they aren't going through the same or similar situation, they have before. Seek wise council, trust God and smile BIG because He's got it all planned out and MAN I hope it's a wild ride!!!


greekkid31 said...

wow you are like totally wise....i really would like some coffee though. but no really, wow. are you sure you are just 18 cause i am 23 and you blow me away at times with the great things you write.

Cassie said...


have you read my post called "the will of God"?? it's from last june or july.....

check it out... love ya

Lindsey said...

WOW!!! I totally feel ya right now!! Especially in telling people "whatever God has for me, that's what i'll do..." but hey, I'm praying about PLBC! I love you and will be praying God's guidance for ya.
loves...Linds <><